Having mold in your home is unsanitary and costly to clean. However, there’s more to it than that. The unsightly mold can become a dangerous problem, particularly when dealing with infestations of the toxic black variety. Mold is a type of fungus that is either dark green or black, emitting a distinct damp or mildew odour. This type of fungus tends to manifest on damp surfaces of fiberboard, wood, gypsum board, or paper and can worsen when left in warm conditions. In that regard, it thrives in naturally humid places like bathrooms, laundry rooms, or shower cubicles.
Aside from lurking in the corners of your bathroom, mold can also develop in between wall layers or beneath the floorboards or carpets that have recently gotten wet from a recent storm or a water spill that someone neglected to clean up. When you spot the first sign of black mold, be sure to have it removed by a professional as the fungus releases harmful toxins to the surrounding environment. These toxins can lead to certain health effects when inhaled, especially in people with weakened immune systems. To that end, here is a rundown on what happens when your home is infested with black mold as well as how it can affect your health:
What is Black Mold Poisoning?
Black moulds release toxins called mycotoxins, which are chemicals found in mould spores that get released into the air and can be inhaled. Once a person or any living thing, including animals, breathe in the mycotoxins, they have the potential to develop mild upper respiratory tract infections, though people suffering from delicate lungs and decrepit immune systems may experience more severe symptoms. Speaking of which, watch out for the symptoms below to avoid unintentionally making your illness from it worse.
In that regard, exposure to toxic black mould may confer the following:
● Coughing
● Wheezing
● Stuffy nose
● Runny nose
● Red eyes
● Itchy skin or eyes
● Sore or itchy throat
● Nosebleed
Those with fragile lungs can potentially experience severe symptoms such as:
● Persistent coughing
● Headaches
● Frequent chest colds
● Difficulty breathing
● Allergic reactions
● Inflammation of the sinuses
● General fatigue and lethargy
Black Mold Toxins Treatment
The effects of toxic black mold often present as allergic reactions, which is why many people don’t realize that they are being exposed to mold for quite some time. Obviously, the best way to treat your symptoms is to eliminate the cause completely. To deal with the effects of black mold toxins, however, the following treatments below may help:
● Antihistamines - These come in a range of forms - from tablets, nasal sprays, eye drops and can easily be bought over-the-counter. This is to help prevent allergic reactions.
● Decongestants - This is for short-term relief of blocked nasal passages.
● Steroids - Available as sprays, drops, creams, or tablets, this is to help reduce inflammation of the airways and ease rashes.
Suffice it to say, it’s never healthy to live in a home with toxic black mould. Whether you own or are renting the home in which you live, take special care to avoid allowing the fungus to develop in the first place by drying wet areas promptly and preventing accumulation of moisture with proper ventilation.
If you’re looking for an asbestos & mold removal service in Calgary, get in touch with us today! We’re happy to help.